Our Mentors

Rajesh Goyal

Central Executive Single Campaign

In order to understand the subject of village organization and to understand the rules and regulations of single village organization, the National Executive understood the need for a Rule Book in the meeting held on June 28, 2020 and this work was done for that purpose. I am happy to inform that we were able to do this work in a month. An article written by Honorable Shyamji on 10.12.2017 “Gram Sangathan-Ek ​​Parikalpana” has also been placed in this book which will probably become a Road Map for all of us.

In order to understand village organization for the purpose of formation of village organization committees, all the lectures given by Shri Madhavendrasingh Ji have been transcribed and placed in this place so that everyone can understand this subject easily.

All the Central Executive Committee (Single Village Organization) had a special contribution in this whole work It would not have been possible to publish this without the contribution of National President Shri Santosh Jain (Delhi), Vice President Atul Gupta (Indore), Sanjay Sahu, Lavkush Kumar and Archana Bhandari We have also included some FAQs These are all the questions that were asked in various meetings and will be helpful for further inquiry If there is any error, I apologize.

This first edition of the book is dedicated to all of you single minded people with prayer for the infinite grace of GOD.

Shyam Gupta

Guide, Ekal Abhiyan

The solo campaign has five mottos:

1. We all are children of Mother India.
2. Today’s mother has tears in her eyes.
3. We will wipe mother’s tears.
4. We will awaken the power of the earth.
5. We will make the country happy.

Our identity, our pain, our inspiration, our action plan and our worshipers express us in these five phrases. But the important thing is our action plan.

1. Our work area is four lakh small villages of the country.
2. The 40 crore poor society living in them is the strength of the earth.
3. We will make the village strong with the five-faced plan.
4. We will make the society proud only by the self-reliance of the village.
5. By becoming Ramji’s army, we will bring Ramrajya in the country.

Three important parts of the above working system
The first is the city organization, the second is the village organization, and the third is the service vow.We can understand the coordination of these three by the example of a lamp.A lamp, no matter how small, challenges the darkness. It also has three parts.

The fire of Dhyeyavad lights the lamp and the love of Dhyeyavad determines its duration and the world says that the lamp is fighting the darkness Belonging to mother, loyalty to Hinduism, culture of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh,The devotion to meditation should burn like fire in the consciousness of my heart day and night.” And for meditation some embodied idols are established in life. Only on the basis of ideology and the other realized worship on the basis of the idol of the temple Ashokaji is the embodiment of Dhyevada. Worshiping his feet is the practice of a single campaign. And the complete surrender of the campaign at the feet of these three divine men is the ultimate achievement.

“Purnakarengehamsabkeshav, yahsadhanatumhari.”and motivation,”Nishdinateridayethiyathana,Akulmankitivravedana.”

Therefore, whenever the mind of a passionate youth comes into contact with the above objective, it also becomes bright.But maintaining this brightness depends on how much oil is in the candle.

Village organization is like a house. The foundation of which is the village executive, the walls are the group executive, the upper roof is the circle executive and it is made livable by the part executive. Everyone has their own role. The house is not considered worth living if any one is weak. First of all, we start with the village executive.Eight types of sub-committees are formed in this. Five are our dimensions and three are youth, women and organization sub-committees. Seven members each have been envisaged. In this way the participation of 50-60 families of the village is ensured.But the mental contribution of almost all the families of the village for the overall development of the village is called the internal strength of the village Men or women will work for the development of the village and according to their abilities, time-Will also contribute on time. Therefore, their mental attachment is very important. Each head of these eight sub-committees who has the ability to make his sub-committee active, we call such 7-8 villagers a committee. Here it is necessary to understand the difference between the executive and the committee. It is called a committee. But it is the responsibility of the village committee to keep it active.Families play a role but as members we have to ensure a parent family of the teacher of each school village.

The circumstances of the country are challenging.The grace of Ramji is creating favour.The period for the upcoming goals has been fixed. In 2022, the Prime Minister’s dream of a new India, ie 75 years of independence, will bring the light of freedom to the poor of 4 lakh small villages We all know the words of Ramaji, he says, “Whoever does my work, I will do his work.” So, revealing the pinnacle of our efforts for Ramaji’s work, Ramaji is already committed to fulfill our wishes.

Shri Bajrang Lal Bagda

Hon’ble Bajrang Lal Bagdaji said that there are several reasons why the village organization’s executive division has not been successful in creating five education sub-committees in the district, village and village, namely the primary education committee, health committee, village development committee, vigilance committee and ritual committee – with youth and women’s committee.

We need 56 members to form the executive committee and it is difficult to get so many people in one place so we are not so successful in forming the executive committee Now that the expansion of the single school has been stopped, our focus is to devote time, resources and energy to completing these tasks.

People Movement

It was imagined that FTS, Sri Hari, BLSP are big donors, they are created to give big donations, but our middle class, common class is very big, they have to associate with our campaign, they cooperate with us, otherwise, as Mr. Madhvendra Jeene told, less I want them to know that there is only one organization they should associate with. Some will give time, some will give money, some will join the workers to increase their morale.

Through thought revolution, people were connected through phone during the Corona period, are still connected, we can use them to form this executive, we do not have to leave these people.

The campaign committee in the division and the executive committee in the part, both are different. The campaign committees are either of the part or of the division, whether they are central, from the center to the part, to the zone. What are the campaign committees? One can say in local language that there is an Association in which 1-1 member from Municipal Organization (FTS, BLSP, EVFI, Sri Hari),When representatives from a single village organization executive and a service worker (campaign head), town organization, village organization, service worker come together in a platform, it forms the campaign committee while the executive is 100% of the village organization.

Why is Mr. Hari or FTS not represented in the executive committee of the village organization? The function of the Campaign Committee is to follow and manage the decisions of the Campaign Trust It is not their job to do operation, to do operation, to do field work, to monitor the service workers is the job of the village organization executive and the job of the campaign committee is to administer.The committees use the money that comes from our executive, its workers, workers who do fieldwork. Fieldwork is not the work of the campaign committee. Now the work of the executive committee which is in Bhag, Anchal and Sanch is to get the field work done. All the workers are the workers of our village organization.

Activists are our tools and by using these tools we create our system which becomes a goal and grows towards the goal and through these workers teachers, health workers, storytellers, satsang programs are the workers who work towards our goals.

We have to activate the organization according to the system, for the coming 3-4 years, we do not have to expand the school, where there is a question of Sanskar Kendra, Arogya, Gram Vikas, we will reach these 1 lakh villages so that all one lakh villages are endowed with Panchmukhi education.We still do not have the executive committee formed by the society to monitor and get the work done by them.

We have to form the executive by taking workers from the society, but the question is that what we could not do in 30 years, will we do it now in 2-3 months, in a year?

This difficult task is possible through the thought revolution started by Honorable Shyamji. Field work cannot be done by phone, for that he has to go 1-2 times in a month, also has to sit with the group of workers of his subject, also has to give time.A very large number of lists have come to us, their main work will be field operation, financial, their work will be limited to self-reliance, the target of self-reliance, they will get part of the executive, without any service, they will include the workers, whether in their respective cities, in the center, whether it is Sanchka Nagar or Zonal Nagar, they have to do self-reliance from IEGS.The main task of the executive is to arrange sufficient funds for their respective subjects themselves. Otherwise, FTS, Sri Hari, BLSP, EVFI always help Now we must be determined to strengthen the organization and make it executive as soon as possible.

Shri Madhvendra Singh

All of us must have seen the logo of the single, the bottom line of the logo which inspires us to work again and again, is written “A People’s Movements”. The lines which are written at this place in the logo of any organization are definitely written with the purpose of giving direction to that organization and to achieve the goal for the organization. Similar are the expectations from its campaign.

The goal of the single campaign from day one was to awaken and organize the entire nation. To do this, we have to develop our form as a mass campaign. Only then will we succeed because the nation is very big Today we may be very proud of ourselves that we are very big organizations but when we think about how big organizations we have, we think that out of six lakh villages in the country, we have schools in only one lakh villages There are 5-7 people If we start thinking as such a small number of organizations, we will realize that we are still very small in size even though we desire to change in such a large nation Keeping this in mind, we resolved to create a public campaign in our logo and with that we will succeed in achieving our goal. To create a public campaign, we must understand both our working methods and our appearance. What is our appearance? The single campaign has three main parts, firstly we established town organizations to connect the elite with the organization to work in the metropolises and we established village organizations to connect the small towns and to develop and conduct work in all adverse conditions in rural India, supervisors For the purpose of running, we developed a large team of “Sevavrati workers” and teachers.For the purpose of forming these three teams, there is an organization at the national level which can be called “Umbrella Organization”, Ekal Abhiyan Trust has been formed by this name. The main function of Ekal Abhiyan Trust is to formulate policy for the organization. It is our job to think and decide on policies as and when required by the situation. For the implementation of those policies, we have formed campaign committees from the center to the zonal level. The question comes to mind, who are the people in this campaign trust, how it is formed. All the city organizations, village organizations and service workers of our country are represented in the campaign trust. The organization formed with their protection is called “Ekal Abhiyan Trust” and campaign committees were formed under it.In the campaign committees, both the parts of the city organization i.e. primary education and cultural education, and village organization and service workers with the village organization, these four types of people have been included in the campaign committees formed by the single campaign trust. The work of campaign trust is similar to the work of campaign committees as we told. This campaign committee has been appointed to make decisions related to all types of workers, programs and decisions related to all types of work at its level. When we think about the city organization, it comes to mind that the work area of the city organization is big cities.

In all the remaining cities of our country, in order to develop a team of workers related to the Ekal campaign, an organization was formed, which was named “Ekal Gram Sangathan”. The word ‘Ekalgram Sangathan’ (name) is not an Adjective, if we understand it as an Adjective then we will imagine it as an Organization for Villagers and that will be a mistake. This is a Proper Noun instead of an Adjective, as is our Vanbandhu Parishad, similarly our “Ekalgram Sangathan”. Small cities, that is, except all metropolitan cities, all district centers, tehsil centers, block centers (Distt.Headquarter, Tehsil Headquarter, Block Headquarter). All these three types of cities are the work area of single village organization. We have to form our committees in all these cities.

How will we address these committees, since the word committee is used many times, therefore the group of village organization, we are of that level, that Distt. Let’s try to understand this in more detail at all levels i.e. Executive Committeee. Imagine a Distt. HaiKhandwa,Khandwa Distt. We formed a committee that his Distt. Committiee happened. Now there are how many small mohallas of Khandwanagar below Distt.Committiee, each mohalla committee will be formed. Means 100 localities, 100 committees (100 executive) and 50, then 50 executive. It is expected that we have to make the whole city united. This question also comes to mind, what will be the use of these committees? When we discuss about village committees, many of us old workers say while describing that eight types of committees should be formed in the village, then how many should be formed in the city. Keeping this sentiment in mind, the five sub-committees of our five-faced education, if there would be an Annual Function Committeee, we were ready to form all the sub-committees for different works.

Now the question comes in mind that from where will so many workers be found? This question is appropriate that is why we have allowed work expansion, that is, all the people living in the whole city who are people of their respective friends, people connected with the mother organization, once very active workers but today cannot give that much time. Circumstances have changed, so today we welcome all such workers, volunteers of the Sangh in our team and give them any responsibility, yes, it may be that on the first day they were not able to give that much time while giving responsibility, then definitely we have to welcome such people as well. They have to explain solo operations through various programs. Explain the work of singles and later use them in different ways, very simple work which appears in front while using is that we will have office somewhere, should be in charge to look after the arrangement of that office, we have different types of training classes, organizing committee to conduct the training class Should, our schools run in rural areas, all of them should have time to see the school.At this time Hon’ble Shyamji has run “Mitra Yojana” as a whole campaign i.e. every village needs a friend i.e. add as many people as you can in the city Start with yes, the answer to this question is very straightforward. Start with your home Consider also how many people we can add to the city we live in and how many different neighborhoods we can form executives . It will take one month, six months, one year, two years, five years to develop in all the cities of the country, don’t worry about it, it will take time to work hard with the goal and move forward gradually. The question arises in the mind that who will help while expanding this work, then in Lucknow metropolis, when the work was started, the work was started in the city of Lucknow. A bhajan evening was organized in a small town. The stage was also prepared by the people of the locality and the prasad was also prepared by the people of the locality. The bhajan group reached on our behalf and we tried to arrange a speaker. Formation planning. In the metropolis of Lucknow, despite being a metropolis, plans were made to form committees with a large number of goals.

You will be happy as well as surprised to know that there are 40 suburbs in Lucknow city, all of them have a gang. There are 400 small mohallas i.e. small towns with 40 suburbs, those 400 have their own team. We can experiment like this in all the cities of our field of work, we are free to do it or in addition to this we can think of many other types of small events.

Respecting the local traditions, we can organize many small programs, but we can also move forward in the direction that at the end of the year or in the monthly review meeting of every month, we can speak on our behalf that in this month we have added so many workers and completed so many programs or have formed the executive of the village organization in so many localities. At the time of review, we will think about reviewing ourselves along with our entire team, then definitely our confidence will increase and the confidence of our team will also be high, that is, they will feel that we can also do this work.

When we get stronger, that is, a large number of people will develop in the city center. At the end of the year, we plan about the annual function of our area. Calling the best children from the village to present their presentation and inviting the village workers to see the program, how is the single village organization working? Karna and finally urge him that the people living abroad, the people living in the big cities have come to cooperate with us, that we should accept some responsibility and retire from our role in the management of this organization, by reporting this we will start the work, thinking about how much cooperation will be done. Masekadammilatehue agahebarhaihai| If they can do this, they will definitely strengthen the village organization and make this country worthy of direction.